Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9, 2013

Well, here it is already 6 months since we moved to Cincinnati.  After all our preparations for snow and ice, winter has begun in earnest.  We received 5 inches for our first real snowfall plus ice/sleet/rain on Dec. 6.  Cincinnati declared a snow emergency so the roads could be cleared.  We bunkered down and watched the birds coming to our feeders.  Another blast is coming tonight and another anticipated for the coming weekend.  Am hoping to make a trip to Indianapolis mid-week to do some banking for Ana.  Had to cancel seeing Jacob perform last night with the New World Concert Orchestra at the Arts Garden in Indy due to weather. 

The forest here on the hill is just beautiful with the snow falling.  I just wander from window to window marveling at the scenery.  Dennis and I will be hosting both families for Christmas - one before Christmas and the other afterwards.  So lots of preparation for both of those celebrations.  Getting used to the heat pump system - it is not an efficient as forced gas but not as bad as I had anticipated.  We just have to dress a little warmer than we did on Ritter.

Josh and Annie and kids made a family trip to London and Paris this fall.  They bought me an old copy of Charles Dicken's "A Tale of Two Cities".  I had never read it so am reading it on these cold, dark winter days.  Seems so appropriate to read Dicken's after being so familiar with his "Christmas Carol" all these years.  I am hoping to take a few classes through the community's adult education - just waiting on the new catalogs to see what is offered.  Might want to take a class on writing, photography, local history or something related to nature. 

Here are a few of our winter scenes of life here on the hill:

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